Friday, April 3, 2009

One Day

I never understood how people could claim they love you but yet treat you like shit, maybe I'm living in a fantasy world, I do know I want to be happy, i don't ask for much like maybe conquer the world or strike it rich. One thing I hate is when I'm having a smooth day and smiling and it shows that I have a great deal of positive energy around me, someone comes along with their negative energy and spoils it all, whether they realize it or not, hell they may not even give a damn. There were times I loved having people around me but with all of what I've been through I just assume to be alone. I have two beautiful daughters whom I love dearly, and want nothing more then for them to have pure unadulterated happiness. It kills me when they are sad down and in a position where life seems unbearable. I know life is not a bed of roses, but if I can make it seem that way to them even just for a day I'll die trying, I'm not that old so I know I have a long way to go and a long road to travel, but one thing's for sure and two thing's for certain, ONE DAY we will be ok.

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